Astrology & Gemstone

Contact us to services related to astrology & gemstone consultation contact us on 8360173806

Woman Spreading Cards for a Tarot Reading

Astrology & Gemstone Services

Contact us 8360173806

zodiac, astrology, star sign

Astrology Services

We analysis your Janam kundli
Analysis of various Dasha
Analysis of Start position
Yearly horoscope

tigers eye, jasper, bracelet

Gemstone Consultation

You can contact us to take Gemstone consultation
We deals in all types of Gemstone
Semi-Precious and Precious
We suggest gemstone as per you start position
We have 30years experience in consultation
Contact us 8360173806

Crop female future teller with tarot cards on table


We analysis your numerology
Its depends on various factor of your life
you can get your lucky numbers
Contact us 8360173806

Fortune Teller doing a Reading for a Client

Janam Kundli preparation

We prepare your horoscope as per your detail,
you can get PDF copy as well as Printed copy,
We have various Janam kundli package
Contact us 8360173806

In my view gemstone is precious gift from the heat of the nature and it help to increase our beauty as well as fortune, somebody will say how fortune, my answer is because we are living and we have opportunity to experience all the nature produce, like food and fruit, just difference is that we take gemstone as in the branch of superstition, however from long period humans are using these stone for their many purposes, we should not avoid these just for the superstition, we should take its benefits, gemstone flow the energy from the solar system. so i will say enjoy everything. Janam Kundli, is the mathematical calculation according to our date of birth, place and date of birth, all these factors help us for calculation, An individual horoscope usually plots the moment of birth and is used by astrologers to analyze character, as well as—in conjunction with other astrological data—to predict the future. This is in accordance with the belief that each celestial body has its own mythological character, modified according to its geometric relationship with the other celestial bodies at a given moment. Everything in the universe being interrelated, these bodies exert an influence, particularly on the newborn. In casting a horoscope, the heavens are commonly represented by a circle divided into 12 intersections, called houses. Each of these houses is assigned several departments of human life, such as wealth or marriage. The planet that falls within a particular house is said to influence matters pertaining to that house.

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मूर्ति पूजा

मूर्ति पूजा एक महत्वपूर्ण हिंदू धार्मिक प्रथा है जिसमें देवताओं या देवी-देवियों की मूर्तियों (मूर्तियों)…
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