The Creation – Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

Paying homage to the omniscient sage Parasara, with folded hands, Maitreya said: “O venerable one, astrology, the highest part of the Vedas, has three divisions, namely Hora, Ganita and Samhita. Of the said three divisions, the Hora. or the genetic part of astrology is even more great, I want to know from you how this universe was created how will it end? What is the relationship between animals born on earth and heavenly bodies? Please elaborate.”

Notes : Maitreya was an ardent disciple of Parasara. Sage Parasara was the famous father of Bhagawan Veda Vyasa. Parasara Smriti, Parasara Samhita and this work Parasara Hora are some of the immortal contributions made by our sage.

Parasara’s teacher was the sage Saunaka, the author of the famous Pratisakbya of the Rigveda and other Vedic compositions, from whom he learned astrology. Narada, son of Lord Brahma Pitamaha, taught Astrology and other things to Saunaka. Narada received direct instructions from Pitamaha. These details are narrated by the sage Parasara in the final chapter of this work.

The sage predicts in the course of his treatise that the salivahanas will be born in the yoga emanating from the angular lord and the Trinal lordBrihat Parashara hora shastra, because both are in Simhasanamsa, vide ch. 41 sloka 32. Although the technical details of the astrological part of this statement will be understood by the reader as the study of this work progresses, it is evident that Parasara was much earlier than Salivahana. The Salivahana era began in AD 72. As Veda Vyasa is respectfully referred to as Parasaratmaja, meaning descendant of Parasara, Sage Parasara lived in the Maha Bharata era.

The name of Sage Maitreya appears in Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Veda Vyasan. Maitreya was the successor of sage Kusaru. Sage Maitreya acquired much knowledge on spiritual and other subjects. Vidura left his relatives and met the sage Maitreya to attain religious merit.

As you can see, our text is in the form of a chariot between sage Parasara and Maitreya. Master and disciple.

Astrology has three parts viz. Hora, Ganita and Samhita. Hora deals with the genetic part, while mathematical aspects such as planetary motion, forces etc. are taught by the Ganita branch, Samhita means a collection of laws or a collection, code and summary of some branch of study. They are like Rig Veda Samhita. Charaka Samhita, Vasishta Samhita etc. So the Samhita is not an original work.

Parasara replied: “O Brahmin, your question (so to speak, your desire to know the intricacies of astrology) has an auspicious purpose for the welfare of the universe. Invoking Lord Brahma and Sri Sarasvati, His power (and consort). ) and the Sun God, ruler of the planets and subject of creation, I will tell you about the science of astrology heard by God through Brahma. Only the good follow the teachings of this science to peaceful students who respect teachers (and elders ) who speak only the truth and fear God. Undoubtedly, it will be eternally sad to share the knowledge of this science with an unwilling student, a heterodox and cunning person.

Sri Vishnu, who is the lord (of all things), who has a blameless mind, who has the three gunas, though he transcends the grip of the Gunas (i.e. Gunatita), who is the Creator of this universe, who is bright, which is the cause and which has courage, it has no beginning. He created the universe and manages it with a quarter of His power. The remaining three quarters of Him, filled with nectar, are (only) known (only) by the philosophers. The main developer, both visible and invisible, is Vasu Deva. The imperceptible part of the Lord has twofold power, while the perceptible part has three powers.

The three powers are: Sri Sakti (Mother Lakshmi) with Sattwa Guna, Bhoo Sakti (Mother Earth) with Rajoguna and Neela Sakti with Tamoguna. Besides the three, influenced by Sri Sakti and Bhoo Sakti, the fourth form of Vishnu is Sankarshana with Tamo Guna, Pradyumna Rajoguna and Anirudha Satwa Guna,

Mahattatwa, Ahamkara and Ahamkara Murthi, Brahma is born from Samkarshana, Pradjumna and Anirud. . AH these three forms have all the three gunas and the gunas predominate due to their origin.

There are three categories of Ahamkaras viz. Satwik, Rajasik and Tamasik types. The divine category, the sense organs and the five elemental compounds (air, earth, etc.) belong respectively to the three Ahamkaras mentioned.

Lord Vishnu along with Sri Sakti rules the three worlds. Along with Bhoo Sakti, he is Brahma who causes the universe. Along with Neela Sakti, He is Siva who destroys the universe,

The Lord is in all beings and the whole universe is in Him. All beings contain both Jeevatma and Paramatma Amsas. Some are dominated by the former, while others are dominated by the latter. Paramatmamsa is the ruling Grahas ie. Sun etc. and Brahma, Siva etc. Their faculties or spouses also have the power of Paramatmamsa. Others have more Jeevatmamsa.

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