Great Incarnations (Of The Lord)

Maitreya: “O sage, do the incarnations of Vishnu, i.e. Sri Rama, Sri Krishna etc. have Jeevamsa?

Parasara: “O brahmin, the four incarnations viz. Rama, Krishna, Narasimha and Varaha are all Paramaimamsa. Other incarnations (like those of ten) also have Jeevamsa.

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. He incarnated as planets {Nava Grahas) to give living beings the results of their karma. He is Janardana. He assumed the auspicious form of Grahas to destroy demons (evil forces) and pacify divine beings.

Sun God from Rama incarnation, Moon from Krishna, Mars from Narasimha, Mercury from Buddha, Jupiter from Vamana, Venus Parasu from Rama incarnation, Saturn from Koorma (Tortoise) ), Rahu from Varaha (Pig) and Ketu from Meena (Fish) ) ) ). Everything else besides these also happens through the Grahas. Beings who have more Paramatma msa are called divine beings.

Creatures with more Jeevatmam are (mortal) creatures. The high degree of Paramatmamsa of Grahai, ie. Sun etc incarnated as Ramma, Krishna etc. After the task is completed, the (respective) grids merge again into the (respective) Graha. The Jeevatma parts of the Grahas take human births and live their lives according to their karma and reunite in the web. And at the time of great destruction the grahas also merge with Lord Vishnu. He who knows all this is acquainted with the knowledge of the past, the present and the future. They cannot be known without knowledge of astrology. Therefore everyone should have knowledge of astrology especially a Brahmin. Whoever without astrological knowledge blames this science enters the hell called ‘Raurava’ and is born blind.

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