Planetary Characters And Description 4

PRIMARY INGREDIENTS (OR SAPTA DHATUS): The planets from the Sun, for example, represent bones, blood, marrow, skin, fish, scmena, and muscles, respectively.
Notes: As mentioned above, the Sapta Dhatus, or fundamental components of the body, are ruled by the Sun and other planets up to Saturn. The taurus’s vulnerability in dicates whether or not the Dhatu in question is safe. “For instance, if the Sun is ill at birth, the native may experience bone problems, bone fractures, and other related issues. If the Moon’s disposition is largely negative, the native will experience blood diseases. In a similar vein, more Dhatus facets might be taken into

PLANETARY ABODES: The seven planets, starting with the Sun, have different abodes: temple, watery place, place of fire, sport ground, treasure-house bed-room, and unclean ground.
Notes: The residences listed serve a variety of purposes, especially in astrological horary. Mercury will be close to a sports field, for instance, if it has anything to do with finding a misplaced item. In the event that it is Venus, it is located in the bedroom, and so forth.

PERIODS ALLOCATED TO THE WORLD BY THE STAR: Ayana, Muhurtha, a day (comprising day and night), Ritu, month, fortnight, and yearSaturn,

Notes: In horary astrology and Dasa bhukti judgments, in particular, the durations mentioned may be associated with the maturity of an event. If an event is tied to the Sun, for instance, it will occur in around six months. Ayana is the length of time it takes the Sun to travel through one sign—northern or southern—in the zodiac. It is approximately six months. The 48-minute Muhurtha is shown by the moon. Ritu is around two months long, or the duration of the Sun’s transit through two Rasis. Rahu indicates eight months, whereas Ketu indicates three months.

Planetary Taste: The sun, moon, etc., respectively, rules the tastes of pungent, saline, bitter, mixed, sweet, acidulous, and astringent.
Notes: For the specific taste dominated by it, the strongest planet will bestow upon the native a fondness and an astringent, which are tastes lorded by the sun, respectively. As an alternative, the planet conjunct the second Lord or the taste indicated by the second Lord may appeal to you. The planet in the second house also weighs in on the issue. When many are related in this way, the strongest one wins.

PLANETARY STRENGTHS. Jupiter and Mercury are powerful in the eastern sky. The only planet that receives strength from the west is Saturn; the sun and Mars are located in the south.

When Venus and the Moon are in the north, they are full of energy. Mercury is strong both during the day and at night, although the Moon, Mars, and Saturn are strong at night. Only occasionally are the others—Jupiter, the Sun, and Venus—strong. Malefics are very powerful in the dark. Beneficiaries gain power during the month’s brighter half. In Dakshinayana and Uttarayana, respectively, malefics and beneicgs are powerful. In ascending order, the lords of the year, month, day, and hora (planetary hour) are stronger than each other. Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, the Moon, and the Sun are once again stronger than each other in the ascending order.

Notes: Directional strengths are indicated in the first instance. These are the instructions pertaining to

East  – ascendant

North – 4th house or the Nadir

West – 7th house or the descendant

South – 10th house or the meridian

These should only be taken into account from the ascendant, not the moon.
Digbala is with Jupiter and Mercury in the ascendant. Saturn gains this strength in the 7th house, whereas the Sun and Mars do it in the l0th. Venus and the Moon receive directional strength on the fourth. If a planet is in the opposite sign to its Digbala house, it receives no Digbala. For instance, if Saturn rises, he has no Digbala.
The application of Digbala is as follows: a planet possessing Digbala will productively guide the native in its Dasa period in the direction that it rules.

When Jupiter is in the ascendant, access to its governed direction—the northeast—is provided by its periods. One way to understand the planets’ orientation is as follows:

The Sun – East

Saturn – West

Venus – South East

The Moon – North West

Mars – South

Mercury – North

Jupiter – North-east

Rahu – South –west

On the other hand, there will be difficulties and losses if someone attempts to live in or travel in the direction indicated by a planet without directional strength.

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