Cat’s Eye ( लहसुनिया ) A brilliant ring of light runs over the surface of cat’s eye gemstones. The primary minerals that make up cat’s eye are quartz and chrysoberyl. When compared to the quartz form, the chrysoberyl cat’s eye is more costly and valuable. The cost of a carat of Chryoberyl Cat’s Eye is many thousand, while that of Quartz is The cost of a cat’s eye (₹) is several hundred per carat. Ketu Planet is represented by Cat’s Eye (Hindi: Lehsunia) in Indian Vedic astrology. For those going through difficult difficulties during Ketu mahadasha, Cat’s Eye is advised. It is said that cat’s eye protects against negative and evil energies. The greatest gemstones for astrology are thought to be cat’s eye gemstones from Ceylon, Sri Lanka.