Tips to stay healthy

A large range of vitamins and minerals can be found in fruits and vegetables. Try to have fruits and veggies make up half of your plate. They make a great substitute for less healthful sides like chips or fries and may be cut up and added to a variety of recipes. Tips to stay healthy

Whole grains are rich in dietary fiber and offer nutrients that help with blood oxygenation and thyroid regulation, among other bodily functions. They may also aid in heart health improvement and cholesterol reduction. Sorghum, popcorn, oats, whole grain breads and pasta, and brown rice are a few examples.

Legumes and beans are rich in dietary fiber and micronutrients. To increase the amount of nutritious nutrients in your meals, try adding beans like pinto, kidney, or black beans. For the canned variety, rinse and drain to help get rid of extra sodium.

Nuts and seeds are excellent providers of fiber, protein, and beneficial fats. Nuts such as unsalted almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachios, and walnuts are healthy options.

Proteins derived from plants can help reduce your risk of obesity and heart disease. Plant-based proteins can be found in quinoa, sorghum, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, potatoes, dark green vegetables, and tofu.

Use in limit

sweetened beverages
Salt and meals high in sodium
fats that are saturated
processed or fatty red meats (choose leaner cuts if you must eat meat)
refined carbs, such as processed grain products and added sugars
dairy items with added fat
Tropical oils, such palm and coconut oil,


Certain commercially baked and fried meals include trans fat and partially hydrogenated oils.


*Even when selecting healthier foods, choose carefully. Nutrient content and ingredient variations are common.

*Examine the labels. Choose food items with the least quantities of sodium, added sugars, trans and

*saturated fats, and no partly hydrogenated oils by comparing the Nutrition Facts labels on the labels.

*Keep an eye on your caloric intake. Eat only as many calories as you burn off through physical

*exercise in order to keep your weight in check. Reduce your calorie intake or increase your caloric expenditure if you want to lose weight.

*Consume sensible serving sizes. This is frequently less than what you are given, particularly when dining out.

*Have meals and cook at home. You’ll be in greater control of the components and cooking techniques.

*To quickly identify foods that can be a part of a generally healthy diet, look for the Heart-Check logo.

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